Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How does my writing style fit the periodical?

This newspaper takes a more relaxed tone in it’s writing while continuing to inform the public on important issues. I try and take a tone that will entertain the audience as well as inform the audience when I write the blog, because I feel like that is what the newspaper tries to do. I try and make my titles a little mysterious, because this newspaper uses titles that aren't straightforward so it can draw in an audience. This newspaper is also organized into different categories like: Music, Sports, and Politics. I’ve tried to organize each blog post so that it falls into one of those categories only and not multiple. This newspaper uses pictures in all of its articles to further illustrate what the topic of the article is about. Almost all of the articles are opinion pieces, which would make my blog perfect for the Puerto Rico Herald, since mine is opinion as well. I also try and keep my opinion as objective as possible when I write to make sure I don’t offend anyone from Puerto Rico that might be reading.

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