Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A 51st State?

I’m sure many people who aren’t Puerto Rican did not find this blog relevant or important, but it should be to everyone who lives in the United States. One of the biggest questions looming over the United States for almost six decades has been whether they are going to grant Puerto Rico statehood or keep the island as a territory. As of today, April 28, 2010, Congress has finally made a step towards the possibility of statehood by working with the NPR (New Progressive Party) in Puerto Rico in pushing forward a bill that will grant Puerto Ricans the right to a U.S. sanctioned vote for statehood for the first time since falling under the control of the United States. What this means is that if Puerto Rico votes in favor of statehood, they will probably get the right to seat people in Congress, which will probably lead to statehood.

However, just like any other change the government attempts to inflict on the country, there are conflicts:

First: Some people disregard this opportunity as anything to fathom because the last four times Puerto Rico voted (non-U.S. sanctioned), they voted against statehood.
Second: Some people find it unfair that Puerto Ricans who have moved to the United States still get to vote for what will probably happen to the island.
Third: Some people do not want to see a 51st star be added to the American flag.
There are many more concerns that will develop once the word gets out on the new plan by Puerto Ricans and the rest of the United States. After tomorrow, when the voting takes place, everything could change for the United States.

Even if nothing winds up happening, this post and the rest of this blog should be important because of the growing diversity in this country. Taking the opportunity to read some of the things that have been posted will help you in becoming more culturally literate. It’s important for me as a future educator to become well-rounded culturally, and it was my intention to grab that same interest in others by creating this blog.

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